Used Hyundai Sonata in Austin, TX

2015 Hyundai Sonata front quarter view

When you are buying your first vehicle, you may not have the cash to buy a brand-new one. That’s when you can opt for the next best option- purchasing a pre-owned vehicle. Among many reputable makes, Hyundai vehicles are some of the most affordable yet well-performing automobiles in the market. The Hyundai Sonata is one such sedan that comes with excellent engine performance, exterior design, and technological specifications. If you are curious to find out if Third Coast Auto Group in Austin, TX, has used Hyundai Accent models, this page is for you.


Used Hyundai Sonata in Third Coast Auto Group

Before we start, let us inform you that our inventory gets cleared quickly, so the models available at the time of writing this page may not be available by the time you read it. 

Currently, a 2015 Hyundai Accent is available with us. The sedan is in excellent condition and has all the features and specifications that you would expect from this model and trim. To purchase this vehicle, you can apply for an auto loan at our dealership. All you need to do is fill out an online application form, mention the relevant information about your contact details and the details of the vehicle you want to purchase and send it. Our finance team will develop a finance package that best suits your requirements.

In case you want to browse other vehicles in our inventory, use the filters to narrow down your search to find your preferred make and model.

If you have any queries about the used models in our inventory, or you want to learn more about the loan application process, feel free to call us or visit our dealership in person. Our friendly dealership staff will be more than happy to address your questions as best as possible.