Archive for the ‘FAQs’ Category

Is Zipcar a good deal?

Thursday, March 12th, 2020
Money falls from the sky in a rain of $100 bills

Zipcar Value and Practicality

With the modern technological age, numerous unconventional methods of transportation are arising. Along with Uber, Lyft, and more, one of these newfangled options is called Zipcar. Zipcar advertises that, in addition to a monthly membership fee, users can pay only to use cars when they need it. Zipcar is only available in certain locations, and Austin is one of them.

So is Zipcar a good, practical value? Read on below to see whether this service can outweigh traditional car ownership.


Is flat-towing illegal in Texas?

Saturday, March 7th, 2020
A cartoon Texas landscape with the text, "Can I flat-tow in Texas?"

Texas Flat-Towing Laws and Requirements

Flat-towing, also known as dinghy towing, is a popular way to take an extra vehicle along on a journey. The method is often performed with an RV by individuals who want to bring their own ride along on their camping journey.

However, each state has different regulations regarding flat-towing, and they should all be followed when one drives through that state. What are the flat-towing laws in Texas? Is the practice even legal?


What is a competitive lessee?

Tuesday, February 25th, 2020
A woman gazes on a good credit report of 765.

Definition of a Well-Qualified Buyer

If you’re looking to buy a vehicle, perusing pages and pages of loan and lease offers, you’ve likely come across the terms “competitive lessee” and “well-qualified buyer.” Many offers from OEM dealers are only applicable to such individuals.

Unfortunately, the designation is often left frustratingly vague. So what exactly does it mean to be a well-qualified lessee?


What does all-wheel drive help with?

Thursday, February 20th, 2020
A vehicle drives through deep mud offroad.

Benefits and Capabilities of All-Wheel Drive

Over the past few decades, all-wheel drive has become an increasingly desired feature among consumers. It’s generally assumed that with all four wheels getting power on a vehicle, the ability to traverse terrain of all variations and conditions will be greatly boosted. But is this really the case?


What are the best ways to take care of my car?

Wednesday, February 19th, 2020
Many cars travel on a highway

Car Care and Maintenance FAQs Video Compilation

Wondering what you should know to be a smart car owner? Courtesy of Consumer Reports, we’ve compiled six videos detailing some main points of knowledge to store away in your brain. Check them out below to bring a dose of improvement to your car owning experience.


Why do some people want their cars to be loud?

Saturday, February 15th, 2020
A cartoon of a man standing shocked as cars blare loud noises into his oversized ears.

Reasons Behind Noisy Vehicles

For those not particularly automotively-inclined, it can be hard to understand why some individuals love having a vehicle that alerts the whole neighborhood to its presence wherever it goes. Why do some drivers seem to get such joy from specifically optimizing their vehicle to make noise? Why do some people like loud cars?


Should I check my oil when the engine is hot or cold?

Monday, February 10th, 2020
A man's hands check oil under the hood.

Ideal Engine Temperature for Oil Check

Oil is a very important part of an automobile, as it lubricates the machinery inside so that everything can stay in healthy motion. In order to ensure your vehicle has enough of this precious slippery juice in its system, it’s a good idea to check one’s oil from time to time. In fact, Consumer Reports recommends doing so at every other fuel-stop.

But different opinions abound on the exact conditions that oil should be checked in. One area that seems “hotly” debated is the ideal engine temperature. Should you check your oil with a hot or cold engine?


Can you use regular gas in a flex-fuel vehicle?

Thursday, January 30th, 2020
A sunrise over the planet earth as seen from space.

Flex-fuel vehicles, or FFVs, are optimized to be able to run on special ethanol- and methanol-based fuels. But what happens if you put regular gasoline in the tank? Can regular gas be used in a flex-fuel vehice?


Does it snow in Austin, TX?

Saturday, January 25th, 2020
Falling snow against a blue sky.

Yearly Snow Levels in Austin

A quick Google search will reveal that Austin, TX receives an average of zero inches of snow per year. It’s easy, then, to conclude that Austin does not receive any snow at all, which seems in keeping with its southern location. But is this true? Does it ever snow in Austin, TX?


Is crude oil used in cars?

Monday, January 20th, 2020
Skyline of an oil refinery at twilight, looking like the backdrop of a Sega Genesis game.

Crude Vs. Motor Oil

You may hear the word “crude oil” batted around the news from time to time. “Crude oil was spilled here,” or “the prices of crude oil are rising there.” What exactly is crude oil? Is this the same oil that we use in our automobiles?
