How to Make Sure Your Vehicle’s Transmission Is in Good Shape

By Product Expert | Posted in Service on Friday, January 19th, 2024 at 11:02 am
Technician pouring new transmission fluid

Drive Smooth: A Guide to Keeping Your Vehicle’s Transmission in Top-Notch Condition

Ensuring your vehicle’s transmission is in good shape is essential for a smooth and trouble-free driving experience. A well-maintained transmission not only improves fuel efficiency but also extends the lifespan of your vehicle. In this blog post by our team at Third Coast Auto Group in Austin, TX, we’ll explore some practical tips to help you keep your transmission in optimal condition.

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Regular Check-ups: Just like regular health check-ups are crucial for our well-being, your vehicle’s transmission requires routine inspections. Schedule regular maintenance appointments with a qualified mechanic to check for any signs of wear and tear. Small issues caught early can prevent major transmission problems down the road.

Fluid Checks and Changes: Transmission fluid is the lifeblood of your vehicle’s transmission system. Ensure that the fluid levels are within the recommended range and the fluid itself is clean and free of debris. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for the recommended intervals for changing the transmission fluid. Fresh, clean fluid helps maintain proper lubrication and cooling for the transmission components.

Technician draining old fluid from a vehicle
Technician standing in front of a vehicle

Smooth Driving Habits: Adopting smooth driving habits can significantly contribute to the longevity of your transmission. Avoid sudden stops, sharp turns, and aggressive acceleration, as these actions can put unnecessary stress on the transmission system. Smooth driving not only preserves the transmission but also enhances overall fuel efficiency.

Cooling System Maintenance: Overheating is one of the leading causes of transmission failure. Regularly check your vehicle’s cooling system to ensure it is functioning correctly. Keep an eye on coolant levels and ensure that the radiator is free from debris. If your vehicle tends to run hot, consider installing an additional transmission cooler to prevent overheating.

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Buy Used Vehicles in Austin, TX

If you are interested in purchasing a used vehicle in Austin, TX, you should visit us at Third Coast Auto Group. We have a wide range of vehicles from various brands for you to select from.